Hey guys, let me start by introducing myself... I'm Chrystal and welcome to my blog. I am from North Carolina, I've lived in Pennsylvania and Key West and currently live on the Florida Panhandle with the man of my dreams and our zoo (3 dogs and 2 cats, I'll introduce you to everyone via pictures below). I love reading other's blogs, and hearing their voice through it, their sense of humor, their wit and all their creativity. I make no promises that this blog will be like that. Granted I humor myself and in my head I think I'm hilarious, but in my head I'm also organized and artistic (you will find that reality suggests that I just wish I was as organized as I was in my head, and the artistic bit is the same, so I may not be as funny as I am clumsy, which fingers crossed you will not notice in my blog ;-) ).
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This is Matt and I when we were visiting my family in Key West! |
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Daisy, Lilly, Kira, and the first day I brought home Baily from rescuing him at work. |
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My first cat Whiskey, coming to investigate the ball of fur mom brought home (Baily's first night) |
No worries almost a year later the two clearly are ok with each other! |
I have tried starting a few blogs before (yes a few), and I can never really make it work for me, not because I don't want to post, but because each time I feel like my blog has to have a theme. Like all those DIY blogs that I love, or those who travel the world and share their stories, or photographer friends of mine who post their wedding photos, or moms who share crazy insightful tips, and the coupon bloggers who tell you all their secrets. I just can't seem to have a blog solely dedicated to one specific thing, because like I said in my head I'm organized, but in real life I'm all over the place. So this blog is going to more closely resemble the real me (you can run now)!
A little about me... I have a few hobbies that include photography, crafts, woodworking, kayaking, snorkeling, fishing, reading, relaxing at the beach (I live in Florida its a legit hobby), traveling with my three pups and two cats, and cooking healthy. This doesn't begin to cover everything, I try new things all the time and love to travel to different places and photograph it. My guy is in the Air Force and is usually gone half the year so I'm always finding different things to keep myself busy on the weekends. Lucky for you I take pictures of all of it and will definitely share them with you.
This mini collage shows my random hobbies better than words could actually explain! |
Some weekends I am all over the place, and my blog posts will likely not be posted the same day as what I did. Meaning I'll share with you throughout the week how my weekend went, what I did, what recipes I tried, where I visited, what pintrest DIY I tried (the good, the bad, and the ugly). This weekend is the perfect example. I got off work early on Friday and decided to go to the beach and relax for a bit before a going away dinner. I just so happened to have my snorkeling gear in the car and grabbed it along with my beach bag (which yes is always packed ready to go in my car...its Florida!). It was a good thing I did you can see in my pictures below that it was a beautifully calm day. Being someone who takes pictures all the time going snorkeling I'm always left feel a little sad that I can't capture what I'm seeing to share with others. But I felt like a mermaid swimming around in the clear water collecting shells. I saw for the first time a live sand dollar in its natural habitat, two huge blue crabs, a pompano fish who was pretty mean and wouldn't leave me alone, he kept hitting me trying to get me to leave, and schools of other fish. I ended up getting lots of cool shells!
These are from Friday's snorkeling adventure, before I got an underwater camera! Oh yeah and welcome to my piece of HEAVEN! |
When I woke up Saturday morning I decided that I wanted to snorkel again but that I had to have an underwater digital camera. So without talking to Matt (my guy) who was sleeping since he is working nights, I went on the hunt for a digital camera. I went to a few places and ended up getting a Lumix that is actually rated #3...go me! Went home charged it (not quite all the way I was too excited to wait that long), and went out for my adventure. I didn't get many shells but I was in heaven taking photos, and yes the shameless selfies ..lol.. I was so happy I found lots more live sand dollars and this time I got to photograph them, I saw a flounder, that rude pompano was back, crabs, schools of fish and just lots of fun pictures. I go kayaking all the time also so excited to have a waterproof camera to take along instead of my phone who's lifeproof case is 2yrs old and not so water proof any more. My camera died (that's what I get for not charging it all the way) so I came home charged it, downloaded the pictures and headed back out for a second go. I spent the rest of the night playing with photos. (So far I only have Instagram edited photos to share).
And this my friends is why I'm now addicted to my underwater camera. Oh yeah top right corner that lone fish is the mean pompano who came back day two, and the puffer fish in the middle attacked me, who knew they were aggressive?!! |
Then this morning I was working on a tutorial for how to print instagram pictures to any site, and actually cutting the 100 prints I just got in the mail (tutorial to come later in the week, see what I mean about randomness that you will follow throughout the week). Then I started this blog, and in a little bit I'm going to head back out to the beach for some more fun. Shew I'm tired how about you?
What I was doing this morning, 100 instagram prints for less than $0.09 each, on the blog later this week! |
Well you guys have a great day...you guys who ever you are! I'm headed out to the beach for a little more underwater fun!
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