Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Fitness Jorney

Ok so its Tuesday December 30th and I was supposed to start my workout program yesterday and overslept so I'm starting today (and making up for yesterdays workout).  It is 4:36am and just finished my 30min workout...Cardio Fix of the 21day fix workout program...yeah its over!  So I just found out we are starting some sort of biggest transformation competition at work that starts on January 1st.  As much as I want to participate I just couldn't wait the two additional days to start working out.  You know that feeling when you just have to start NOW while your motivation is strong?  Yeah that is where I am at today, we all know two days doesn't really make much of a difference in actual weight loss, but it can be a make or break factor for your motivation, so I have always been one to work on my own schedule when possible.

Let me just start out by saying how depressing I know starting out can be, whether you are starting for the first time, or picking up again.  One statement that Autum Calabrese (creator of 21day fix) says and its annoying when you first start out is "If you are tired of starting over, Stop giving up".  While I think this is 100% true, sometimes you don't give up, life gets in the way and if you aren't focused then slowly your workouts and eating habits slip without knowing.  That is what happened to me I was focused and on track and after hard work and dedication I lost a little over 40lbs.  Right around the time my now husband came home from a long TDY, right before our wedding I think is where I can pinpoint a shift for me.  And slowly with wanting to spend time with him, the wedding, having people over, finding out we were moving to Alaska, then the holidays and now getting our house prepped to go on the market in a few weeks....I have let excuse after excuse slow creep into my life without even realizing.

I mean I was tired right?  I had a lot on my plate, I couldn't keep my normal schedule, eating right was too hard with him home, people were coming over, I have work early, I have to work late, the dogs need a walk, I need to make some phone calls, I need quality time with my husband, I worked out a little the last couple days, I can make up this workout tomorrow....

I didn't realize I had become the queen of excuses!  Don't get me wrong I worked out occasionally, but I wasn't regular anymore.  I wish I could say "And the next thing I knew...." like I had no fore warning or I had no clue I was gaining weight till just now.  But that isn't at all the case, yes if you read my previous blog you know I have gained about 8lbs since our wedding 72days ago.  However even when I was finding excuses not to workout I was weighing myself semi regularly and for awhile the scale didn't budge, no matter what I ate or how little I worked out the numbers didn't move for awhile....and I knew better to fall for this or let this perpetuate my excuses but I did.  I did still make healthy food choices, I mean you don't make a commitment towards a healthly lifestyle and then suddenly abandon all your ideals about healthy living.  Some might and trust me I'm not judging, mine was more the workingout that I made excuses for and irregular eating habits more so than poor food choices.  

But not gaining weight without regular workouts and proper eating habits will only last so far.  I stopped weighing myself for a few weeks out of fear for the number, and it did prompt me to workout again but only for a few days, and eventually I was up 4 lbs, then 6 lbs and just before I was full on no excuses mode I was up 8 lbs!!! I didn't see those last two pounds coming!

So here I am after a workout that at one point I had mastered, feeling a little frustrated that I struggled through it.  I remember all those feelings of first starting out with a goal to lose 50 lbs and thinking it was hopeless and feeling defeated before I even began, and I felt them all, all over again this morning!  Back tracking when you were so close to your goal feels like failure, heck starting out after having gained the weight in the first place feels like failure!

It takes s few weeks to actually start feeling like you can do this, and those are the hardest two weeks.  Those are the first two make it or break it weeks.  I wish I could be super encouraging and tell you it's easy after that, and in some ways it is (and it's different for everyone), but the part most people struggle with is when they plataue.  For me this was never to hard to deal with because I expected it, and I was happy feeling stronger in each workout. I knew results would come as long as I kept at it.

So this is what I remind myself when I'm doing workouts that cause me fatigue, when just a few short months ago I could breeze through them. But it's a journey and each one is unique!

Hope you all have a great day!!

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